Content silos use subtopics or subcategories as part of the website structure to group content based on keywords and relevant topics. Silos are also based on a robust link structure to help guide visitors to additional content elements related to the web page they are currently viewing. The silo structure in SEO is a type of website architecture in which content on a specific topic is grouped, isolated and interlinked. This creates clean and distinct sections of related content on your website.
Also called content clusters, content silos improve the information architecture of the website and the user experience. You may also find that organizing your content in this way makes it easier to create new content in a balanced way. A content silo is a method used to classify all the content you have and group it together to classify it into different subject areas for your company's keyword-based website. Similarly, a site that blocks its silo architecture in a hierarchical way prevents users from navigating between silos.
A content silo is a method used in search engine optimization (SEO) that consists of structuring the content of your website around keyword-based topics. However, and this is a crucial point, the content of one silo does not link to the content of another silo. To isolate your content, first identify the topics on a website and segment all the content that fits those topics. The main risk of using content silos is making it difficult for readers and bots to find pages within the content of your website.
Content silos are important for SEO because they help search engines better understand the content of your website. With the simplified silo structure, let's look at some of the simple best practices for planning and structuring a website with SEO in mind. Before considering any content silo for your website or blog, you should do a thorough review of your current and future content, guided by keyword research. You can see that each silo consists of a main silo page and related content, all of which are interconnected.
To take advantage of isolation without plunging pages too much into silos for users to find or for robots to crawl, use a surface isolation technique to place siloed pages directly below landing pages that are close to the home page.